Golfing Putting Techniques

Golf is a sport that requires precision, skill, and strategy. One of the most crucial aspects of golf is putting, which is the act of hitting the ball into the hole using a putter. The putting technique can make or break your game, so it’s important to master this skill.

Here are some golfing putting techniques that you can incorporate into your game:

Different Hand Grip Putting Techniques

  1. The pendulum stroke

The pendulum stroke is a classic technique used by many professional golfers. It involves keeping your wrists still and using your shoulders and arms to swing the putter back and forth like a pendulum. This technique requires a smooth and consistent motion, as well as good control over the speed and direction of the ball.

  1. The arc stroke

The arc stroke involves using your wrists to create an arc as you swing the putter back and forth. This technique is ideal for players who have a natural wrist hinge and prefer a more curved swing. It’s important to maintain control over the clubface and to keep your stroke consistent, as any variation can affect the direction and speed of the ball.

  1. The straight-back straight-through stroke

The straight-back straight-through stroke is a technique that involves swinging the putter straight back and then straight through the ball. This technique is ideal for players who prefer a more linear swing and want to keep their putter on a consistent path. It’s important to keep your wrists still and to use your arms and shoulders to control the movement of the putter.

  1. The cross-handed grip

The cross-handed grip involves placing your left hand (for right-handed players) above your right hand on the putter grip. This technique can help to eliminate wrist action and provide a more stable stroke. It’s important to ensure that your grip is firm but not too tight, as this can affect the control and feel of the putter.

  1. The claw grip

The claw grip is a technique that involves using your left hand to grip the putter in a claw-like position. This technique can help to improve accuracy and provide a more stable grip. It’s important to ensure that your grip is comfortable and that you have good control over the putter.


In conclusion, putting is a crucial aspect of golf and requires a combination of skill, technique, and practice. By incorporating these golfing putting techniques into your game, you can improve your stroke and become a more confident and effective putter. Remember to always focus on your technique, stay relaxed and focused, and most importantly, have fun!

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